Wedding Season and Dating Trends 2022
eharmony commissioned a survey to uncover the latest wedding and dating trends ahead of the 2022 wedding season.

60% of Gen Z and 58% of Millennials have reported that they are attending (or already attended) a wedding in 2022.
Find Your +1 on an online dating app
9 out of 10 wedding guests confirm they were given the option to bring a date to the big event, but even if you are single at the moment you can still find your wedding-date.

Respondents who would consider using a dating app to find a wedding date
Who will be the chosen (plus) One?
If you’re going to use a dating app to find your plus one, here are the top 6 priorities when reviewing a profile, according to Gen Z:
Not only is it important to have a good profile including good solo photos and a convincing bio caption, the potential +1 should also be humorous and leave some funny responses in your chat.
eharmony with Harris Interactive interviewed a nationally representative sample of 1,000 single adults living in the United States in May 2022.