2022 Happiness Index Study

After another year of ups and downs, we wanted to shake things up too. Our fifth annual study expanded beyond people in relationships to also explore how people are navigating the dating world. eharmony’s Happiness Index reveals that while the world continues to be unpredictable, people are optimistic about dating in 2022 and are overwhelmingly happy in their relationships.

Header illustration by Madison Ketcham


Despite entering a third year of a global pandemic, Americans are optimistic and happy about their love lives.

Sex Life

After years of physical distance, single daters and people in relationships are craving more physical intimacy.

Sober Curiosity

With nearly 1 in 5 Americans reporting heavy drinking during the pandemic, many of us are reevaluating our relationships with alcohol, and exploring a sober curious lifestyle. 


Americans are increasingly investing time and energy into self-care and their mental wellbeing and want to be with people doing the same.

Study information

The Happiness Index in America 2022 report was commissioned by eharmony and conducted by Harris Interactive. This is the fifth year of the Happiness Index survey and was fielded online between December 15th-31st, 2021 and surveyed 3,000 participants. Participants qualified if they were aged 21+ and were either married, cohabiting, in a relationship, or were currently dating. Results were weighted to be nationally representative by age, gender, and region.